
Manuscript in Progress

The Truth of Biology: Logics of Life in 20th-Century Liberalism


Genome Editing, Ethics, and Politics,” (With Jonathan Moreno), AMA Journal of Ethics, 21:12 (December 2019) E1105-1110.

La biologie, la réflexivité et l’histoire: Réinscrire Canguilhem dans son milieu. Revue d’histoire des sciences. Tome 71-2 (juillet-décembre 2018), 155-177.

From Evolutionary Theory to Philosophy of History: Raymond Aron and the Crisis of French Neo-Transformism.” History of the Human Sciences 31:1 (February 2018), 3-18.

  • Read more about my research on evolutionary thought and Raymond Aron in this HHS blog interview.

Undisciplined Biology in 20th-Century France.” Perspectives on Europe (Spring 2016), 69-73.

Book Reviews

Introduction,” H-Diplo Roundtable Review, Politics and the Anthropocene by Duncan Kelly, H-Diplo Volume XXII, No. 48 July 5, 2021.

Introduction,” H-Diplo Roundtable Review, Transparency in Postwar France: A Critical History of the Present by Stefanos Geroulanos, H-Diplo Volume XX, No. 37 May 10, 2019.

“Thinking Outside the Present.” Contribution to Forum on Benjamin Aldes Wurgaft, Thinking in Public: Strauss, Levinas, Arendt (Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, 2016), in Politics, Religion & Ideology 18:2 (2017), 217-219.